Day & Night Mode

Why ENIGMA WEBdevelopment & Design?

Since 2019, we have been a reliable partner for companies that have websites.

We rely on proven modern technologies and during implementation we focus on the performance of the web application.

As a result, you get fast web software from us that looks great on any device.

We offer animation programming, layout and design with pixel accuracy. This ensures optimal display on all devices.

We keep load times to a minimum by converting data to the smallest possible size.

This allows your site to load quickly and display to all visitors.

The variety of technologies we use allows us to offer a technical solution for each company.

ENIGMA WebEnigne


Workflow from ENIGMA

1. Discuss the
website layout


2. Production according
to customer's wishes


3. Enjoy your new


RTU ready-to-use templates

RTU - Ready to use (ready-to-use website templates)

Powered By enigma

Dive into the world of diverse possibilities on the enigma website, where you will discover a captivating selection of web templates with real-time demonstrations.

Take advantage of our free trial of our ENIGMA-Web templates now!

ENIGMA Clean Code

Clean Code is a term from software development and it refers to

clear, understandable, identifiable, logical and disciplined code implementation.

The goal is to produce software efficiently and effectively while designing the code to be:




and it is maintainable.

Recent Projects

Powered By enigma

  • All
  • Websites
  • Online Shops

Facts & Numbers

Projects 177
Customers 387
Awards 6
Opinion`s 4

what makes us stand out


Programming language standards

Our website templates are designed according to the modern standards of HTML5 and CSS3 programming languages. These industry standards are driven by our desire to provide website templates that not only look professional on the outside, but also work flawlessly on the inside. We are proud of the services we build for our clients because our clients expect nothing else.


Flexible for devices

Responsive web design is a technical approach to design aimed at creating web pages for an optimal viewing experience - easy to read and navigate with minimal page resizing, panning and scrolling - on a wide range of devices ranging from mobile devices such as like iPad, mobile phones or desktops.


Professional projects

Our website designs are modern and use the latest architecture and programming techniques.


Results provided

Our goal is to deliver the results our clients deserve, within budget and on time.


XDR ready

enigma websites are designed in such a way that they can present images with a wider range of brightness and color values, allowing for a more realistic and detailed reproduction.


Affordable prices

We offer the best price & professional website designs without any functional or quality limitations.

Webdevelopment & implementation with pixel accuracy

Our websites are like a good salesperson.

Take advantage of ENIGMA services at an incomparable price-performance and quality ratio.

Offer from ENIGMA


1290 Fr.-

Website without login

Hard drive 100 GB

Own E-Mail address

BackUP on PenDrive

Additionally, for 1 year:
Certificate SSL
Own Domain

Write to us!


5990 Fr.-

Store based on WooCommerce

SSD Drive 100 GB

litespeedLiteSpeed + LSCache

Own E-Mail address

BackUP every 3 months for 1 year

Google SEO + My Business

Linking account WooCommerce with Google/Facebook/Instagram

Additionally, for 1 year:
Certificate SSL
Own Domain
Protection, backup and updates


Write to us!


4990 Fr.-

Website with Login

Hard drive 500 GB

Own E-Mail address

BackUP every 3 months for 1 year

Google SEO + My Business

Additionally, for 1 year:
Certificate SSL
Own Domain
Protection, backup and updates

Write to us!

Digital & dynamic integration

Customer opinions on social media

Drone videos